Earlier this month, GreenVest’s Senior Vice President, Brett Berkley, and Senior Project Manager, Andrew Forbes, presented at the Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) Coastal & Estuarine Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana. Along with project partners South Baltimore Gateway Partnership, Moffatt & Nichol, and Assedo Consulting, GreenVest took the stage to present on the Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative (MBRI).
The presentation gave attendees insight to the vision of the MBRI, including increased equity and environmental justice, improved ecological resilience and public health, and the reconnections of local communities with their waterfront. Some of the specific ecosystem goals of the MBRI include coastal resilience, stormwater management, nutrient load reductions, and aquatic habitat re-establishment.
Brett and Andrew specifically touched on GreenVest’s role in the MBRI as Restoration Practitioner, to include the facilitation of public-private partnerships, securing of project funding, acquisition of public and private land, and overall ecosystem program generation. The presentation was followed by a Q&A discussion between the presentation panelists and the audience.
GreenVest is proud to be a part of such a groundbreaking project and was honored to share it with conference attendees from all over the country. You can read previous updates about the MBRI here and here.