GreenVest is proud to announce that the Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration Project for Prince George’s County Department of the Environment (DOE) was honored with second place in the Best Stream Restoration category of the Chesapeake Stormwater Network’s (CSN) Best Urban BMP in the Bay Award contest (BUBBAs). This amazing honor is part of a program that spotlights the best urban stormwater practices with special emphasis on highlighting local innovators who use creative approaches to protect and restore local watersheds. GreenVest is proud to have completed this project in partnership with Petro Design Build Group (as GV-Petro) and Prince George’s County DOE as a County-Based Small Business. The project was designed by Princeton Hydro and constructed by Environmental Quality Resources (EQR). Check out the County’s Press Release about the award here!
GV-Petro completed the Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration Project for DOE in September 2021. At approximately 40,000 linear feet in restoration length, this large scale, urban stream restoration project is one of the largest stream restoration projects ever completed in Maryland. It has protected public and private properties from severe bank erosion, stabilized and protected utility and residential infrastructure, reduced sediment and nutrient loading, and created significant water quality and wildlife habitat benefits.
Learn more about the BUBBAs here.