by McKenzi Heger | June 12, 2018
Last month, Land Trust Alliance, Inc. welcomed GreenTrust Alliance as the newest land trust member. As a nationwide land trust advisor with a rigorous certification process, this membership is a great honor that presents extensive opportunities for both GreenVest and GreenTrust Alliance. This new alliance provides a powerful voice towards achieving a shared vision of restoration of land and permanent protection for those restored ecosystem service values.
Since 1982, the Land Trust Alliance has been continuously building a community that shares the collective goal of strengthening land conservation in the U.S. in hopes of restoring land for today and future generations. Based in Washington, D.C., their efforts are supported by over five million members and represent over 1,000 member land trusts. The Land Trust Alliance is the “voice of the land trust community” and plans to continue working hard while educating others on the importance of land conservation and building communities one seed at a time.
GreenTrust Alliance was founded in 2003 by GreenVest’s founder and CEO, Doug Lashley. GreenVest and GreenTrust Alliance, a 501c3 organization, partner up on various water quality restoration projects along the Mid-Atlantic region. Once restoration is complete, the Alliance will, more often than not, become the long-term steward of the property. Membership with the Land Trust Alliance will allow GreenTrust to move forward in the growth of the organization and allocate more time to focus on protecting and restoring land.