- Project Type: Ecosystem Restoration & Resilience
- Watershed Name: Potomac
- Client Type: Government Agencies
- Status: Active
The Mattawoman Creek Mitigation Site is a stream and wetland mitigation bank developed in partnership with GreenTrust Alliance and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District to provide compensatory mitigation credit for a federal client. The MCMS is the first bank site developed under an umbrella mitigation bank instrument which is available for mitigation site development for other federal and public entities in the State of Maryland. The Project Site develops approximately 38 nontidal wetland mitigation credits and 1,595 stream mitigation credits. The project consists of over 80 acres of creation, restoration, enhancement, and preservation of forested, non-tidal wetland habitat and 3,798 linear feet of stream and stream buffer restoration. Construction was completed in 2019 and the Project is currently in the third year of the maintenance and monitoring program.