GreenVest was awarded multiple projects in 2020. In turn, these projects support jobs, important infrastructure improvements, and environmental resilience.

In Maryland, we were awarded multiple Section 404 Stream and Wetland Mitigation contracts to support MDOT’s Managed Lanes Study focused on transportation-related improvements in the I-270/I-95 corridor. The project consists of 3 different sites assembled from over 15 parcels from 8 different landowners. Together, the 3 sites total 16,371 linear feet of stream and 28.74 acres of wetland restoration.
GreenVest was contracted to provide Long-term Stewardship Support for a mitigation project in Agawam, Massachusetts with our strategic partner, GreenTrust Alliance, stretching our reach into the heart of New England. We were also awarded 3,793 linear feet of stream restoration with associated reforestation in our Welzenbach Farm Stream Restoration and Farm Resiliency project in Harford County, MD funded by the Department of the Army and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This project will yield water quality and habitat improvements while generating MS4 compliance credit for Aberdeen Proving Ground.

In New Jersey, GreenVest was contracted with Gloucester New Communities Company, Inc. (c/o W.R. Grace) to fully deliver Wetland and Riparian Zone Mitigation for landfill maintenance activities that will impact riparian zones. GV will complete the 1.284 acres of restoration available at our Oldman’s Creek Mitigation site. Construction is anticipated to begin this spring. Additionally, GV was awarded the Shekiro Ponds and Buckelew Bog Wetland Enhancement project to cost effectively implement mitigation with collected In-Lieu Fees for the benefit of the NJ Wetland Compensation Fund and ILF Program. This project continues our successful partnerships with GreenTrust Alliance and Middlesex County. The completed project will enhance 9.86 acres of historically disturbed, modified agricultural impoundments and clear-cut wetlands areas. These areas will be enhanced to a highly functional and diverse mosaic of scrub/shrub and emergent wetlands
Finally, we were awarded a contract for an additional phase of our National Lead Mitigation program to provide mitigation to the North American Property Group related to their Sayreville Seaport Remediation and Redevelopment Project on the former National Lead Site. The program includes our Matchaponix, Old Ridge, and Hoffman Road sites. Collectively, the mitigation sites amount to 28.42 acres of riparian zone preservation and enhancement, 3.32 acres of wetland enhancement, 1.31 acres of upland enhancement, and 22.22 acres of upland preservation to provide mitigation for 1.08 acres of freshwater wetlands, 0.91 acres of tidal/coastal wetlands, and 4.02 acres of riparian zone impacts.
Keep an eye out for next week: Construction Commencement, Advancement, & Completion! And be sure to read last week’s installment: A tree that is unbending is easily broken.