GreenVest’s Bacon Ridge Branch Stream Restoration project has been a resounding success. (To view our White Paper about this project, click here.) This was one of the first stream restoration projects in the Mid-Atlantic region to use beaver dam analogues (engineered log jam structures more commonly used in the Northwest and Rocky Mountains), and we made sure to use as much on-site material as possible.
The results have been stunning, as we’ve previously mentioned here. Flora and fauna have returned to Bacon Ridge Branch, and the area is thriving.
To monitor water levels and barometric pressure during and after our restoration work was complete, we used In-Situ’s Rugged TROLL and Rugged BaroTROLL technology. We selected these products because they are cost-effective, small, durable, and easy to use.
In-Situ learned of our use of their products and featured the Bacon Ridge Branch Stream Restoration on their website. We’re proud of our work and honored to be featured. Read GreenVest’s full In-Situ Success Story here.