This year, the National Stream Restoration Conference was held in GV’s backyard: Baltimore, MD. With several GV team members attending the conference, three presented on their restoration-based contributions and successes.

Max Breslin, Project Manager, presented on watershed-scale restoration in an urban setting at our Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration project. He discussed some of the challenges we faced when implementing this project and examined the lessons learned from working on this large-scale urban stream restoration in the shadow of Washington, DC.

Jack Turner, Ecosystem Restoration Specialist, presented about evolutionary applications for cutting-edge and emergent technologies aimed at increasing the efficiency and accuracy of restoration and restoration-monitoring. From drones, to 360° cameras, to remote monitoring equipment, Jack showcased how this new tech was applied, generating real-world outcomes on GreenVest’s projects.

Laura Kelm, Project Manager, presented about restoration of floodplain wetlands at our Bacon Ridge Branch Stream Restoration site. She discussed how the stream restoration project was able to restore floodplain wetlands and ultimately a dynamic wetland-stream complex without extensive floodplain impacts that may otherwise include largescale grading and tree takes.
In coordination with Environmental Quality Resources, LLC, Biohabitats, and The Maryland Stream Restoration Association (MSRA), Laura also conducted a field trip to the Bacon Ridge site to showcase and educate attendees about the nature-based restoration techniques applied to this coastal plain stream valley. Alongside project partners, she explained how the site was planned and constructed to meet project goals of floodplain reconnection, improving stream channel stability, managing stormwater, and enhancing wetland and stream functions and habitats. The field trip drew a diverse group of approximately 25 attendees from a variety of professional backgrounds and locations across the country.

Additionally, GreenVest was proud to sponsor the MSRA-hosted night at Camden Yards. The baseball game provided a fun atmosphere for conference attendees to network and socialize while getting a taste of Baltimore, even if the Orioles didn’t pull out a win at bottom of the 9th. We’re proud of Max’s, Jack’s, and Laura’s contributions to this important conference and we are already looking forward to next year!