The Eagle Harbor Stream Restoration and Community Resiliency Project is a GV-Petro Joint Venture, LLC (a partnership between GreenVest and Petro Design Build Group) solution for the Town of Eagle Harbor, MD that is broken into three phases. The project is needed to address erosion and sedimentation that causes nuisance flooding and shoreline property damage. Flooding is worsened […]
Archives: Projects
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Ash Brook Wetland Enhancement Project
This 6.27-acre wetland enhancement mitigated proposed impacts for Conrail’s Waverly Loop Project. GV restored site hydrology, improving local flood storage and regional water quality. The project eradicated invasive monoculture colonies, re-establishing native species composition and improving wildlife habitat. […]
North American Properties Wetland Mitigation Project
Wetland Mitigation for NAP was completed on 3 separate sites, totaling approximately 90 acres of wetland and riparian zone restoration, enhancement, and preservation. The Project mitigated for impacts from mixed-use development within the National Lead Remediation & Redevelopment site. […]
Teterboro Airport EMAS Project
GV enhanced 0.466 acres of riparian zone within a distinct riparian zone area on the Oradell Reservoir Mitigation Site. This project offset unavoidable impacts associated with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Teterboro Airport-Runway 24 Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) project. […]
Transco Heaters Riparian Zone Enhancement Project
GV enhanced 0.87 acres of riparian zone within a distinct riparian zone area on the Oradell Reservoir Mitigation Site. This project provided mitigation for unavoidable riparian zone impacts associated with the Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, LLC (Transco) Heaters Phase II project. […]
GTA Agawam Long-Term Stewardship Support
GV is partnering with GreenTrust Alliance to provide due diligence and environmental support services for the Conservation Land Stewardship for the Kinder Morgan 261B Looping Project. GreenVest is supporting pre-construction due diligence, construction, and maintenance & monitoring operations. […]
Waynesboro Stream Restoration Project
GreenVest will restore and stabilize over 6,500 linear feet of at-risk and degraded stream resulting from agricultural use and high-velocity storm events for the Virginia Department of Transportation. The project will improve water quality, floodplain connectivity, stream function, and wildlife habitat while decreasing erosion and nutrient and sediment loading. Construction was completed in Spring 2023, […]
Liberty Sports Park Stream Restoration and Stormwater Management
LSP is an economical, full-delivery, TMDL and MS4 solution for Prince George’s County Department of the Environment. The project will provide over 4,500 linear feet of stabilization of stormwater outfalls, headwater channels, and tributaries and will reduce erosion rates and improve water quality. […]
Mill Swamp Stream and Wetland Restoration Project
Mill Swamp is one of 3 sites providing mitigation for unavoidable impacts related to MDOT State Highway Administration projects in the Middle Potomac watershed. The project will reconnect the wetland and streams to the floodplain. Current conditions include unstable banks, sedimentation, scour, and channelization. […]
Henson Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project
Henson Creek is one of 3 sites providing mitigation for unavoidable impacts related to MDOT State Highway Administration projects in the Potomac River watershed. The project will fully integrate 6.14 acres of wetland creation and enhancement with 1,925 linear feet of stream restoration. […]