GreenVest Plants Trees with Partners for Earth Day

More Tree Planting

While GreenVest spends every day celebrating the planet, its resources, and the environmental services it provides, Earth Day is a reminder of the positive impact our work can have on local communities. On Monday, April 22, Sydney Duncan (GreenVest’s Proposal & Marketing Coordinator) joined GreenTrust Alliance (GTA) and volunteers from Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) […]

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MBRI Groundbreaking: Hanover Street Wetland Site

Groundbreaking Signage and Equipment

On April 19, GreenVest celebrated the groundbreaking of the Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative’s (MBRI) lead project: the Hanover Street Wetland Site. This event, now nearly four years in the making, celebrated the commencement of construction for the first of many of the MBRI’s nature-based resilience projects. The MBRI is the ecological restoration arm of the […]

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Daisy Scout Trip to Masonville Cove

Masonville Cove

Even GreenVest’s legal team enjoys getting out in nature! Dana Cooper, Team GV’s General Counsel, recently chaperoned a trip to Masonville Cove (located in South Baltimore, near our MBRI projects) for her daughter’s Girl Scout Daisy Troop. Masonville Cove is the nation’s first Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership, in the heart of South Baltimore, with over […]

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Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative Press Conference

All the Officials in Attendance | Photo Courtesy of Michael Ivan Schwartz with Loud Communications, LLC

On October 7, the South Baltimore Gateway Partnership (SBGP), an economic development authority funded by casino revenue, hosted a press conference to announce that $47.7 million has been secured to build wetlands around the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River. This funding kicks off Stage I of the Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative (MBRI). GreenVest is […]

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