National Water Quality Month

Tinker's Creek Stream Restoration Project

There are approximately 332.5 million cubic miles (over 365 quintillion gallons) of water on our planet covering about 71% of the globe. That sounds like a lot, but only about 1% is easily accessible freshwater in our rivers, streams, groundwater, and aquifers. That’s not a lot. Because humans use so much water per day for […]

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Noteworthy Accomplishments – GreenVest 2020 Retrospective

Greenvest LLC river watershed

GreenVest is proud to announce our upgrade from a Prince George’s County-Located Business to a Prince George’s County-Based Business. We show a continued commitment to our headquarter-county and look forward to future opportunities in the area. While most conferences, seminars, and presentations looked a bit different recently, GreenVest had a presence and made contributions in […]

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Credit Releases – GreenVest 2020 Retrospective

Greenvest LLC Ecosystem Restoration upland forest restoration

GreenVest is proud to announce credit releases from multiple mitigation banks in 2020. In Maryland, the Completion of Construction stream and wetland credits were released from the Mattawoman Creek Mitigation Bank site in May 2020, allowing application of stream and wetland credits to our client’s critical infrastructure projects. The End of Year 2 credit release […]

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Announcing the Completion of the First Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument

Greenvest LLC UMBI Mattawoman Creek Map

by McKenzi Heger | September 12, 2018 The completion of the first-ever Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI) was announced on September 6, 2018 by the U.S. Air Force at Joint Base Andrews (JBA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland Department of the Environment, GreenTrust Alliance, and GreenVest, LLC. This instrument will be utilized by Maryland’s […]

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Mitigation Bank Credits vs. Turnkey Mitigation

Greenvest LLC Maryland mitigation sites

by McKenzi Heger | August 9, 2018 Mitigation bank credits and turnkey mitigation – they both have the word mitigation in their name but are they the same? The short answer is no, but let’s dig a little deeper. Mitigation could be defined as the process of making something less severe or damaging. In terms […]

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Upcoming 2018 GreenVest Bank Projects

Greenvest LLC Wetland mitigation bank

by McKenzi Heger | July 13, 2018 In the coming months, we have a total of four big projects starting up and we’re excited to share them with you. As an environmental development and consulting firm specializing in mitigation services, ecological restoration, and sustainable land planning, we thrive off of acquiring new projects. They help […]

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