Our Little Patuxent River Mitigation Project in Howard County, Maryland, is an integrated stream restoration, wetland creation, riparian buffer enhancement, land conservation, and tree planting project all in one. In addition to multiple ecological benefits such as improved water quality and habitat enhancement, this initiative provides mitigation for unavoidable impacts to low resource value streams […]
Tag: wetland mitigation
Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week 2023
At GreenVest, we champion coupling nature-based solutions with cutting-edge science to restore functionality to impaired systems in vulnerable communities. By managing stormwater, mitigating flood risk and storm damage, and uplifting water and habitat quality, GreenVest improves resiliency within local ecosystems. Since many of our projects positively impact the Chesapeake Bay – whether restoring a stream […]
National Water Quality Month
There are approximately 332.5 million cubic miles (over 365 quintillion gallons) of water on our planet covering about 71% of the globe. That sounds like a lot, but only about 1% is easily accessible freshwater in our rivers, streams, groundwater, and aquifers. That’s not a lot. Because humans use so much water per day for […]
Jamesburg Park Restoration – 3 Years Later
The Jamesburg Park Conservation Area is one of GreenVest’s larger Middlesex County Wetland Restoration sites on county-owned parkland in New Jersey. Along with 4 others, this 13.5-acre mitigation site was funded by the New Jersey Freshwater Wetland In-Lieu-Fee program for the Middlesex County Parks Department. Working with project partners GreenTrust Alliance and Princeton Hydro, GreenVest […]
Beavers: Unexpected Partners at Bacon Ridge Branch Stream Restoration Project
With each new stream restoration project, we employ a variety of techniques to bring the stream and its surrounding ecosystem back to health. For the Bacon Ridge Branch Stream Restoration Project, we used a ‘lighter touch’ approach that leveraged on-site materials to create structures that raised the water surface elevation and reconnected the stream to […]
New Opportunities & Projects Awarded – GreenVest 2020 Retrospective
GreenVest was awarded multiple projects in 2020. In turn, these projects support jobs, important infrastructure improvements, and environmental resilience. In Maryland, we were awarded multiple Section 404 Stream and Wetland Mitigation contracts to support MDOT’s Managed Lanes Study focused on transportation-related improvements in the I-270/I-95 corridor. The project consists of 3 different sites assembled from […]
Project Update: USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC)
by McKenzi Heger | May 30, 2019 On May 30, our Vice President, Patrick Phillips, attended the Society of Wetland Scientists annual meeting in Baltimore. While there, he had the pleasure of presenting on a few of our own projects, including the wetland and stream restoration projects located at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center […]
Watersheds: What You Need to Know
by McKenzi Heger | April 29, 2019 Watersheds are found everywhere – the land beneath your feet, your backyard, mountains and valleys and even the strip of grass on the side of the highway. But wait, there’s no water nearby. How can it be a part of a watershed? Defined by the EPA as “the land area […]
Announcing the Completion of the First Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument
by McKenzi Heger | September 12, 2018 The completion of the first-ever Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI) was announced on September 6, 2018 by the U.S. Air Force at Joint Base Andrews (JBA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland Department of the Environment, GreenTrust Alliance, and GreenVest, LLC. This instrument will be utilized by Maryland’s […]
Mitigation Bank Credits vs. Turnkey Mitigation
by McKenzi Heger | August 9, 2018 Mitigation bank credits and turnkey mitigation – they both have the word mitigation in their name but are they the same? The short answer is no, but let’s dig a little deeper. Mitigation could be defined as the process of making something less severe or damaging. In terms […]